Today one of our fourth grade teachers had a funeral for words we consider "dead". Words like: got, went, big, said. When fourth graders write essays and narratives, the words should be precise and specific like: grabbed, dashed, enormous, exclaimed. That is, if the 9 year olds want high scores on their FCAT Writing test.
Well, I missed the funeral but I heard all about it. All the students dressed in black. Some girls even wore high heeled shoes. I understand the funeral was quite an event. Since this particular class is girl-heavy, and we all know how 9 year old girls can be drama queens, they literally cried real crocodile tears as they stood around the burial hole, dropping their dead words into it. They played a recording of mournful, sad music on a cassette deck. The girls clung to each other and wept...loudly. They boo-hooed and really played their roles good.
One girl told me she will never, ever again use the words: got and big. Another girl clung to her teacher wailing, "But they were too young to die!"
I missed the funeral because I was teaching a different class. This will probably be a highlight of their elementary lives. Boo hoo.