After being at work for a full week, I realize how wonderful it is to come home at 3:00 p.m. to relax in my Barca lounger and kick back. In the summer I flitted from task to task, abandoning chores for day trips here and there with Truett or side trips to Gainesville to kick around. I never appreciated the time I had at home. I've said before that I need a lesson plan in the summer to keep me focused; but then that would ruin summer, a time of freedom. Our county began granting comp time several years ago and it is a pure blessing to me. Give me one hour off and I'll take that over money anytime. Heck, give me thirty minutes off early and I'm estactic.
This is it. The last weekend before my real work begins. The work of actually educating children. I always feel a sense of panic on the last full weekend before school starts. It's like, "Wait. Stop the bus. I'm not ready to commit to the intensity of it all." But then, I always get through it.
I told Truett yesterday that we should do something fun on this last weekend.
"Like what?" he asked.
"Well, we could go to the beach."
Then we came up with a better plan: get some chores done, visit our grandchildren and their mother and father, see a movie, eat somewhere special, and visit my mom.
"Great idea," I answered, simply because I don't have the energy to do anything other than that. I certainly don't want to deal with sand in my suit or driving two hours to the beach and two hours back.
So, a movie it will be...a dinner it will be..chores will get done, I'll visit my mom, and I'm happy! ...and Monday begins a new school year and new challenges for me.