I realize it is not Mother's Day; but I have to share this photo of my mother. She is on the far right in the flowered outfit. Please don't look at the rest of us.
I suppose it is that time of year, the holidays, where we think of our loved ones the most. I certainly do miss my dad; but I still have my mom. Alice Ruth Thomas Sanford was the best mom in the world.
When Sherry, Steve, and I were growing up, my mom was Brownie Leader, friend, wife, and mother of three children. She worked days and nights and allowed our home to be the "safe place" for the neighborhood kids; and there were plenty of kids and many stories for me to tell. Then, after the three of us had graduated from college and had our own lives, mom and dad adopted Susan, a six week old baby, and they began their lives again. What courage that took and what a blessing Susan has been in all our lives since then!
It's the end of Thanksgiving weekend and approaching Christmas. Mom didn't come for Thanksgiving dinner and I was upset. She said it was because it was raining. Then it was because she'd have to get dressed. Finally, the next day she said she had had a fever of 101 degrees.
I am my mother's best friend since I live near her and since Dad died. I often feel so inadequate because I have my own family to attend to; but, nevertheless, I try to be there for my mom.
Mom retired when she was in her 60's. I think that was a huge mistake because her life ended and then her life dwelled around my dad's. Dad was a Methodist minister, so no mortal could compete with that, not even mom.
I guess I'm sad, in a way, because mom did not come to my house on Thanksgiving. I wanted her to see the grandkids. Now that's a selfish reason, isn't it? But, as the weekend has progressed, I realize that Mom did not feel well. She is now 84 and probably couldn't take the noise or commotion. In the photograph, she was 80.
I visited Mom this morning like I do every Sunday morning. I don't know what to say to her to make her feel "alive" again. I know she wants to rock babies at the hospital; but she will not drive to Gainesville, plus, she's afraid she will drop a baby. I must agree. I do not want her on the road or dropping babies. Mom has no other outside interests and I believe she will become older earlier because of this.
I retire in two years and I pray I don't quit at 66.
She was my Brownie leader, too! She is the best Mom ever. Definitely. What I couldn't appreciate at 15, I've come to adore at 41. (I can even see the truth in 'Pretty is, as Pretty does!)
Merry, she didn't stop at 60. She moved to Florida, and started a whole new life. She's got more stamps in her passport than anyone else in our family. She's lived an extraordinary life.
Including adopting a baby at 42. I wonder how Daddy talked her into it...I used to have to beg to bring home a new kitten! :)
Posted by: Susan | November 26, 2007 at 01:28 PM