I must admit the photos of the Indigo Bunting from yesterday's post were poorly edited by me. I did a quick fix on photoshop, and the color of the ground was quite pink. I was just so excited about seeing the bunting that I didn't care about the pink ground, but you see, I really do. Truett took this photo of the Indigo Bunting today.
Even though this little fella looks blue and green, he is actually blue. Green weeds are covering his side and head. In fact, we have two Indigo Buntings at the bird feeder along with Freida and Freddie, our mourning doves. Here they are.
I have not see both of these doves for months, only one or the other. They're obviously loving the seeds spilled at the base of the bird feeder. While I'm at it, I thought I would show you Roger's new hiding spot. I guess Roger is tired of Punky jumping on him so he hides in the laundry room now.
Let's take a closer look. He thinks he's hiding from me too.
Is he sleeping with his eyes open? Let's check.
Ooh, gross. That's weird looking. Close your eyes, you silly cat.