I promised myself I wouldn't put more Gator photos on my posts; however, I have a story to tell so the pictures must be shown.
Yesterday the Gators played the Citadel. Score: Gators 70-Citadel-19. A definite blowout.
Yikes! Where did that purple field come from? I swear it was green.
Since the Citadel gets paid big bucks to play Florida and to fill a homegame slot for us, we all knew the score would be lopsided. So at these kinds of games where we are the powerhouse, some of the regular fans give their tickets away to friends who don't have tickets. These are the games I dread the most.
We had a couple and two children sit directly in front of us. It was obvious she was unmarried and this was her boyfriend and she was thrilled to be at a Gator game. The children (10 and 12 years old) looked bored out of their gourds until the popcorn was bought. Then they became civil.
But this woman (thirty-ish) was quite obnoxious. She and her boyfriend did not sit up straight on their bench. Oh, no. That would have been too polite. They hunched over and snuggled up to each other to keep warm. Now that is a a problem because that woman was hunched in my space and repeatedly whacked me in the kneecaps as she settled in under the boyfriend's arms.
Don't ever do that to me, please.
Well, I had had enough after several whackings, so I leaned down and said, "You are all in my space. If you could sit up you wouldn't keep hitting me." She glared out from under her plastered makeup, 10 inch hoop earrings and purple panties (yes, they showed everytime she leaned over). EEEEEEK! Now there wasn't much I could do except watch the band and suck it up. She had been warned.
Oh, I thought about punching her in the back when I crossed my legs (gasp!), but I knew Truett and I would probably leave early so surely I could tolerate these people through the first half. Besides, I'm a nice person.
Then gross! They french kissed right in front of me. Tongues and slobber everywhere. I snatched out my camera and took photographs of their public display of affection, but then deleted them because I never want to see those two people again. Ever!
Exuberance! That's the word for these first-time fans. They stand up and block the view. They scream at the top of their lungs, "GO GATORS!" and they do the wave! I know they've seen it on TV, so that's what they do.
I'm thinking, "Sit down and shut up!" We pay mega money to watch a game...NOT YOU!
Nevertheless, when the score was 42-6 Truett and I decided to split, and that was before half-time. We decided to leave these one-time Gator fans to their blissful day. After all, we were once one-time Gator fans, and at our first game I wore pink! I stood out like a sore thumb! I can only imagine what those around me thought back then. Probably, "Sit down and shut up and wear orange and blue next time."