I'm always relieved when December 21, the official beginning of winter arrives. Why? Because December 21 is the shortest day of the year. The shortest day of the year means less sunlight than any other day of the year. Thank goodness that was yesterday because today I get to enjoy a tad more sunlight. I know I am afflicted with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). I get depressed if I don't have my sun.
Yesterday a cold front was whipping into our area and a gray blanket of clouds hung over Fort White so I told Truett I wanted to take a ride. "Where to?" he asked.
"How about the river," I said. So off we drove for four miles. I'm glad we got out of the house because I would not have seen Levi.
When we got to the river Truett said, "I know that man in that old mail truck. He's got the most vicious dog I've ever seen. When I walked by that truck in town I thought that dog was going to eat me up..growling and snarling. I expected him to break through the truck window just to get at me. So keep your eye on that dog."
Well, the man and dog drew nearer to us so I shouted, "That's a pretty dog you have there."
The man answered, "Thanks. This here is Levi." And then the man called Levi over to us. Levi loped right up to me, sat down and flopped out his tongue. "This isn't a bad dog," I thought.
Levi decided to take a swim while his owner told us Levi's history. The dog did have an anger management problem. He was abused as a puppy, but the man has trained him. At one point the man thought he would have to put Levi down because of his bad behavior.
Well, it seems Levi is now only vicious if anyone comes near the truck or the man's house or even on the man's property.
Actually, Levi is just being protective.
It was good to meet Levi, even though if I see him in town in the truck, I will not be walking up to him. I've been warned.
Good-bye Jim. Good-bye Levi.