I learned something valuable this weekend:
You must have two of everything if you are to have a happy babysitting experience.
The sleepover with Maddie and Oliver went pretty well until Maddie saw Oliver pushing her baby buggy on Saturday morning. Then all hell broke loose at 10:30 am. She began screaming, "Mine! Mine! I want my baby buggy!"
Good golly Miss Molly. I was stunned and so was Truett and little Oliver.
The buggy had wheels and I, the grandmother, thought it was the perfect boy toy.
Madeline displayed a thirty minute temper tantrum that would win any fireworks competition.
This is a photo of the famous baby buggy, complete with Maddie's, oops! Oliver's bracelet. Heck! I don't know who owns the bracelet anymore.
But after listening to a thirty minute meltdown by a five-year old I made a wise decision today. I trotted myself down to the Fort White Dollar Store and bought a second baby buggy.
Isn't it beautiful? It has Snow White and some other woman on it, and it has four wheels and rolls in case Miss Maddie doesn't like it and Oliver does.
Never again will a baby buggy come between the grandparents and grandchildren having a grand time.
I know how that is. Last year or maybe two, the younger kids would fight over the popper toy (you push it and the color balls would pop). A friend had one and gave it to me and I thought the problem was solved. NO! They still wanted the one the other one had.
Good Luck!
Posted by: Darlene | April 27, 2009 at 11:54 AM