Today we stayed home for a change. I rocked on the front porch off and on and saw several wild animals in our yard.
Of course we have the Northern Cardinal. Go Cards!
Then we have the ground squirrel eating a seed on the front fence post.
Then we saw a red-shouldered hawk tearing its carrion into strips right before he flew to this tree branch.
I felt guilty about opening the front screened door to get a closer shot which caused him to soar to the tree.
And would you just look at this little guy. He's learned to leap to the bird bath and onto the bird feeder.
This squirrel heard me reach for my camera and leaped to the top of the bird feeder.
I don't have the right light or settings set, but he is kind of cute, don't you think?
Bad squirrel! Bad! Bad! Bad!
Some days it pays to stay home and watch your own animals hard at work.