My day certainly didn't unfold as expected. Recently I bought note cards to print some of my photographs on. I have hopes of actually hand writing notes to friends and family inside the cards. But oh no! This task didn't seem to be an easy one for me at all; and the reason being: this HP Photosmart C8180 copier.
You know once before we had a lower grade model of an HP Photosmart copier and I could never get that thing to print. So we bought a Big Brother copier after months of frustration. By golly, we couldn't even get that thing to print photographs. After that we upgraded to this HP Photosmart C8180. Once again it would not print photographs. Finally Truett bought a new cord and BINGO! Photographs darted out of the Photosmart C8180 like frog's tongues lapping up flies. In hindsight we call this our million dollar copier. Just thinking about all that money we spent trying to get photographs copied embarrasses me when all we needed was a new power cord. I felt really incompetent.
But that was then and today is now. This morning I printed a couple of note cards with a couple of my flower photos on them. But they were upside down on the card. It didn't take but two times of looking at these upside down images for me to realize all I had to do was flip the image upside down in My Pictures to get them printed correctly on the card. Okay. So I'm just a little incompetent.
Then I got the bright idea that I would use 4X6 glossy photograph paper to print on and possibly glue the photographs onto the cards. And that's when my frustration peaked. The copier's fangs or whatever it is, would not grab onto the 4X6 paper. Time and again I tried. Then Truett tried. At least an hour had gone by and we had followed all the directions in the book; but this HP Photosmart C8180 just would not print on the 4X6 paper. "It's not me!" I cried. "I followed all the directions! I'm not totally incompetent!" I screamed.
Well, I connected to the HP website and went into the "help" chat room and had a forty minute e-mail dialogue with a woman named Shree Patel. I've learned in the past with HP that I can understand written emails much easier than I can understand Indian/American accents. It was just taking too long so I finally wrote, "I'm closing this dialogue" and clicked out of all programs and stomped to the office to work. The whole blasted morning was shot!
So now I'm back to printing up-side down photos on note cards that will eventually spit out of my Photosmart C8180 right-side up.
Am I totally incompetent or just a little bit? Isn't the printer just a teensy weensy bit at fault here?
Thanks to HP, Shree Patel forwarded me instructions on how to print 4X6 photos through my Photosmart. These were not the directions in my book. But I can do it now anyway. Yea!
Posted by: Merry | June 27, 2009 at 07:52 AM
Like cars, computers are great when they are working!
Glad you got the correct directions.
Looking forward to some pretty cards!
Happy birthday!
Posted by: tina | June 27, 2009 at 02:34 PM
The genius who created your photosmart is still laughing at this one!
Posted by: stacy | June 29, 2009 at 10:48 AM