As you may have noticed, I have changed the title of my post from "a week at Nana's-day something or another" because I'm not sure what day it is.
Today we took Oliver and Maddie to see Dr. Rosie, a pediatrician in Gainesville.
We were smart to hop on this issue right away because Oliver has an ear infection in his left ear, and eye infection in his right eye and he is wheezing. So we were taught how to use a nebulizer and picked up his appropriate prescriptions.
Maddie, on the other hand, got checked by Dr. Rosie and her eyes looked good, her ears looked good, but "Oh my," Dr. Rosie said. "You've got buggers in your nose. Yech!" In fact, Maddie is using Kleenex every five minutes for a runny nose.
I guess you can tell by these photographs that neither child looks at all sick. It's been 30+ years since I've been in a pediatrician's office and Maddie and Oliver were the only two there with ALL THOSE TOYS to climb on. I did discuss office etiquette with them, but it went in one infected ear and out the other.
Oliver was a great little patient for Doctor Rosie and I'm hoping Maddie got her checkup for free. I guess their parents will soon find out. Now where was granddaddy in all this?
. . . in never never land of a magazine.
Then off to the drugstore for meds. Do you think we got out of there with medicine and two grandchildren? Why no. They each convinced Granddaddy to buy them a toy. He's a sucker for brown-eyed little girls and blue-eyed blonde haired little boys.
Moe's for lunch was our next stop. And that's when the fun ended because by now it was after 12:00 p.m. and well into nap time. After a brief melt down by Maddie and rushing through our lunches we finally made it home in this sweltering heat.
Right now both children are in different bedrooms for naps. Once again I hear Oliver chattering to Froggy and More Froggy and Baby. Granddaddy turned on TV for Maddie to watch in our big water bed, so I know that young lady will not close her eyes.
Tomorrow we're off to Ocala for a child's birthday party at Wild Waters. Maddie will probably swim, but I'll have to talk to Merry Jennifer tonight and get the green light or red light on Oliver.
I'm thinking "nothing to do" has a nice ring to it.