For any of you who post on typepad, you may be just as frustrated as I am. Typepad has a new configuration and I swear it took me five minutes to figure out how to post a new blog, which, by the way was not going to be about this.
However, I am obviously stuck with the new configuration until I spend many many more minutes trying to decide if I like it or not. Oh, well. Just another little chink in my life regarding technology which absolutely drives me up the wall. If I was a ten-year old, I'd be whizzing all around the new typepad configuration, fearful of nothing. I guess the saying, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks" applies to me!
My gardener from Sunshine True Value is expected any moment. Since I now have an underground irrigation system for my flower gardens, it is time I learned to control the outpour of water. You see, we have been getting daily rains along with the timed irrigation system, so therefore, my plants are way over watered.
My roses are leggy and some of the leaves are turning yellow. Not a good sign. With all the rains the mosquitoes are viscious and I despise spraying that awful mosquito spray on my arms and legs. Maybe that's why I see pictures in magazines of gardeners dressed in long sleeved shirts and long pants. So maybe I'll quickly yank these shorts off and reconsider my gardening attire.
Have a good day.