I left you yesterday with Madeline and Oliver exploring a drain in the Town of Tioga commercial area; and I used a phrase in yersterday's post that wasn't quite the truth. I believe I said that the rules were different if you were a grandparent watching the grandchildren.
That is far from the truth. The rules are the same. . . and good, polite behavior is expected.
What I meant to say was that grandparents indulge grandchildren when a parent wouldn't.
So after exploring the drain Maddie and Oliver and I headed to the retention pond. After all, Oliver threw a weaf in the drain and we thought it might have floated to the pond.
The whole way Oliver is saying, "Alligators might be in there." But I assured him there would be none, even though I kept both eyes peeled.
But wait. Someone else should be exploring the retention pond with us.
Where is Grandaddy anyway?
Um, hum! Just as I expected. He's babysitting from afar.
Finally, we headed back home and SpongeBob became an entertainment center, replacing pro football. I figured, if I did all the responsible watching and playing, then I could certainly change the TV to something that might give me a break.
This is one conversation I heard from Maddie and Oliver during a TV commercial:
Maddie: Oliver. Say commercial.
Oliver: Commercial.
Maddie: Oliver, that's not right you said 'merrcial'. Say k..k..ka..mmercial.
(And here's where it got interesting. Oliver is 3 and Maddie is just about 6.)
Oliver: I didn't say 'merrcial'. I said k..k..ka..mmercial! You said 'mmercial'!
Maddie: Did not!
Oliver: Yes you did. You said 'mmercial'!
(And then there was silence).
I think Oliver will be able to hold his own with his older sister in the days, weeks, months and years to come. Plus, is this the beginning of sibling bickering?
What do you think?
You'd better buy some Tlylenol mom and dad!
Believe me, we have stocked up on the Tylenol!
Posted by: merry jennifer | November 24, 2009 at 05:00 PM