I find all I can write about is my Mom, but then, that's what is consuming my life right now. So be patient. One day I'll get back to blogging about silly birds or gopher turtles or armadillos.
Mom had a great day yesterday. I took her to Gainesville for her Nulasta shot which follows chemotherapy. We walked in the clinic and right away Mom told the nurse to "Tighten that bracelet. It's going to fall off onto the floor."
At which point the nurse looked at me and whispered, "She's an ornery one, isn't she?"
I smiled and said, "Yes."
The nurse then said, "I love it! So many cancer patients have no spunk left!"
You may know she took a spill night before last. As she tells the story:
"I put my right hand on the walker and took my left hand off and all my weight went to the right and floppity flop. . .I went down and then I just sat in the corner."
Truett now calls Mom Curly. She doesn't mind. She says, "My hair doesn't matter to me. It will grow back and if not...so be it!"
So that's where we are. She did tell me her eyes felt all gobbily gook yesterday as we were driving through Alachua on our way home. Merry Jennifer says it may be the Prednisone which will make her feel kind of crazy. That's too bad because she had just gotten to where she could read again.
Have a nice day my friends.