This afternoon while Mom was napping, Truett and my sister, Susan, and I took a drive over to the South end of the Ichetucknee River mainly to get Susan out of the house and into nature.
Susan is visiting from Germany and is "sitting" Mom for a couple of weeks. She's also going to connect with friends, relax, and enjoy Florida weather. (Shhh! I didn't tell her how hot it was already. My car read 91 degrees when I left work today.)
So while we were standing on the dock at the south end of the river, I looked down river and saw movement in the water.
"Susan!" I cried. "Look at the mullet jumping!"
But as we watched, we realized that wasn't a mullet. It was a snorkler.
So we watched as the swimmer came closer . . .and closer. . .and closer.
The swimmer rose to the surface and unloaded her wares.
The swimmer's name is Kathleen and she cleans up our rivers, especially the Ichetucknee.
Truett told Kathleen about all the treasures he found back in the 70's after all the tourists had gone home: watches, masks, snorkles, money, and even a set of false teeth. He kept most things except for the false teeth, which he turned in to the park ranger.
Today Kathleen collected trash and treasure from the Ichetucknee.
Wow! That's a treasure!
And so is that, Kathleen. Thanks for helping to keep our waters clean.
I'm sorry, Susan. I really wanted you to see the mullet jumping. . .or maybe the sturgeon.