When Mom first met the Radiation Oncologist, the first thing that was done was to build a mask of Mom's face, as shown above.
Since my mother is claustrophobic and requires sedation for MRI's and other scans, it was very frightening for her face to be covered in plaster with only nostril holes for her to breath out of through two straws. Mom survived the mask making and has since finished fifteen rounds of radiation.
Luckily, the area outlined in red was left open when the final mask was constructed; therefore, Mom was able to breathe just fine.
The raised left area above her lip was the site of said lymphoma. That area has now been shrunk considerably.
Now we're waiting for the blistering, swollen lips to return to kissable condition; and hopefully Mom will be healed forever.
PS. I'm putting the photo of the mask on Facebook because many of my family members are my friends, plus Mom wanted everyone to see the mask.
*I* wanted to see the mask! CONGRATULATIONS MOM!!! I love you! (BOTH!) =D
Posted by: Susan | May 29, 2010 at 10:14 AM