Yesterday as Truett and I were taking a little drive to talk about our day, I looked in the sky and saw this cloud. But that's not all. Look closely and you can see the moon at about 11:00.
The cloud and the moon was just what my soul needed after a stressful day of grocerying in Food Lion in Lake City.
You see, I chose the wrong line when checking out. I chose a line that had no customers in it. I thought that was pretty smart of me, but I was wrong.
Mind you, I had spent twenty minutes picking out my groceries and I was about to spend twenty more minutes while an inexperienced cashier checked me out.
First off, the young girl couldn't tell a plum from a pear. A child knows a plum is purple and a pear is yellow or green.
But not this cashier. As she typed in the code she said, "Pears."
"Those are plums," I told her.
Ding! Ding! She called the manager over and said, "This machine rang these up as pears."
Do you know how frustrating that is when you're trying to beat a thunderstorm outside and there has to be a discussion about the difference between a plum and a pear . . . and besides that, the machine didn't do anything. We all know it takes a human to key in the right code.
Next came the canteloupe slowly making its way down the rolling table.
The canteloupe did not have a sticker on it, so once again the young girl called the manager over for a lengthy discussion about how to find the cost by flipping over her cheat sheet and looking up the word "canteloupe".
Meanwhile, the clouds outside are getting blacker and blacker, and I really don't enjoy racing to the car with lightning flashing and rain pouring.
I just wanted to scream, "Just put it back and let me go!"
But I didn't.
(Be prepared for the same cloud images, but doctored up)
Now from the get go I told this young cashier that I had two separate orders and that I wanted the first batch of groceries bagged in paper and the second batch bagged in plastic.
Do you think she got that right?
Not on a bet.
So the cashier's bag boy had to remove the plums and canteloupe from the plastic and put them in a paper sack.
"Let me outta' here!" my mind screamed as my foot began tapping the floor.
Now paying for my few groceries caused a stink as well because I didn't have my "Saver Card" and at the end I get a lecture from the cashier about how much money I could have saved if I only had my card. . .but now it was too late.
"You know what?" I said. "I never shop on this side of town and never will again, so if you will just hand me my receipt I'll be on my way."
"But mam, here are two scratch off tickets and a coupon," the cashier stammered as I snatched the receipt from her hand.
"I don't want them!" I snapped. "Give them to that lady!" and with that I scurried out of the Food Lion and vowed never NEVER to go back.
Well, to make a long story short, later when Truett and I were taking our drive and I saw the clouds and the moon, I told him, "That's just what I needed to see." Somehow I felt all better.