Today I entered the the S&S in Fort White. As I walked through the door, a handsome man said, "Hello, Mrs. George."
I looked at the man from behind his horn-rimmed glasses. This guy was very Ivy league and looked somewhat out of place in the S&S at Fort White. "Who are you?" I asked.
The man told me his name and I about fell out. "Oh, MY!" I said. "Just LOOK at you! You are so handsome!" Then we chatted for a minute and I found out the man is getting his Master's Degree at Florida A&M. I told him that was where I got my Masters, and how proud I was to have gotten it there.
I know this story sounds quite ordinary; but the story goes back some twenty years ago when this young man, at the ripe age of ten, gave me fits in the classroom. He bowed up at me, had anger issues, and often threw out the race card, which kept me unnerved as an educator.
At the end of that fifth grade year for this man, I was happy to be free of the drama in my classroom. I was happy to be free of this boy. And I assume it was mutual from his perspective.
But today. Today when his eyes and his smile spoke to me, I knew it was all a matter of maturity on his part. . . and on mine. As the old saying goes, "Time heals all wounds."
I know it must feel really good, to have someone like that do so well, and then even talk to you.
I recently found out a problematic student of mine in the 4th grade, had gotten a scholarship to Northwestern University.
You are right, time heals all wounds and often leads to maturity!
Posted by: tina | January 09, 2011 at 07:14 AM