Today was a day of an obligation met.
Since Truett's surgery in January, only the basics of running Advent Glass Works, Inc. are continuing. Since my husband runs Advent Glass Works, Inc., the business has pretty much come to a halt until further notice. Truett bids church stained glass window jobs, measures, photographs, writes proposals, and designs the stained glass work. He stopped working at the bench leading up panels years ago.
Today Bruce Spencer (our shop foreman) and Truett and I traveled to Shady Grove, Florida to Hendry Memorial Methodist Church for their 145th annual church family reunion and for the dedication of their new church windows. The congregation was kind to Truett and Advent Glass Works, Inc.'s employees by applauding a job well done.
The message given by the District Superintendant today was about transformation, not only of drab, green windows to beautiful stained glass windows; but the message was about each of us transforming ourselves through the word of Christ. The message was about truly seeing with our hearts.
As our crew was installing the windows back in January, that was when Truett's tumor ruptured and wrecked havoc on Truett's body. One side effect of this ruputured tumor was bells palsy, a sagging of the left side of Truett's face. We are told the bells palsy will eventually go away; but, for the time being, Truett is having surgery on his left eye this Wednesday to lift the lower lid, thus, protecting his cornea. We just can't wait until the bells palsy goes away.
One three-year old boy, though, hesitated as he approached Truett in his wheelchair and saw Truett's sagging face and his eye patch. Clearly, there was fear written all over this child's face. Then the child made a dash for it and hid behind his mother's skirt. For a moment, I thought Truett was going to give his hearty pirate laugh, "Arrrgh! Arrrgh!"; but he didn't, thank goodness.
Following the service was dinner on the ground. Five long rows of tables donned with vegetables, meats, and desserts.
I'm proud that Truett was able to go to the window dedication ceremony today; and I thank Bruce for pushing Truett through the grass in his wheelchair because I don't think I could have done it.
Yes, today was a day when an obligation was met. . .and one of seeing with the heart.