Our daughter, Merry Jennifer, is in Chicago for an Oncologist Conference; so Truett and I decided to call Sam and offer to watch the grandchildren for a couple of hours to give him a "daddy break".
Oh, how I've missed those impromptu grandparent rescues.
Maddie and Truett and I watched Animal Planet called Cats 101 on TV.
Evidently, Sam wore the children out before we arrived by taking them fishing at the UF Fisheries because both Madeline and Truett fell asleep during the hour long show while Oliver and I played with playdough.
Well, actually, Oliver made worms with playdough and I simply watched.
Somehow the playdough worms looked too real for Oliver so he mashed them flat to kill them.
In the meantime, I took simple photographs of a dragonfly on the stakes of Merry Jennifer's garden.