Everyday seems as if it bleeds into the next. My routine centers around doctor's appointments and rehab.
I'm spending little time sitting on the porches with my mom watching the birds because it's so darn hot . . . and humid.
But, other wildlife keep me entertained. For instance, this gopher turtle was resting beside my driveway yesterday. Of course, I looked to the Heavens and said, "Thank you, God."
The four armadillo babies are still rooting around in our back woods. They still scurry under Clay's house to rest. They are just so darn cute!
Almost daily, I drive Truett to the local rivers to feed his soul . . . and mine.
I take photographs of children I don't know. And Truett tells me again and again, "I'm going to take Maddie and Oliver fishing." He wants to. Really, he does. He bought them each a fishing pole months ago, and he bought himself a new one a couple of weeks ago. But I am the navigator of our life and I just look at the docks and the water and try to figure out how to make this all happen with Truett in a wheelchair. But then, Truett tells me not to sweat the small stuff. . . and I look at him all befuddled. So, I'm handing this one over as well.
Speaking of feeding our souls, after a doctor's appointment today, we picked up Madeline and Oliver from summer camp and spent quality time with them.
And that, my friends, is called feeding our souls!