The only way I can survive the hectic schedule I live is to set aside snatches of time for me by taking photographs.
Today I took my mother to Gainesville after an early hair appointment at 10:00 A.M. I found that I scheduled her hair appointment way too early before her doctor's appointment at 2:00. So, I did what Truett and I normally do: I just drove around Gainesville to kill time.
Ms. Alice was exhausted from her hair appointment and lunch at Perkins; so I told her I was going to look for birds to photograph in order to kill time. Would someone please tell me where to park at Lake Alice in Gainesville. I drove and drove, but never found a place to park. I knew I was missing the "shot of a lifetime", but that's life, plus I was really only killing time.
Mom's doctor's appointment was with her audiologist. For months, there has been a slight tension in our house over the TV volume. Mom and Truett both wear hearing aids; but somehow the volume on the TV is either too loud for Truett or too low for Mom; and I often feel like monkey in the middle, trying to appease the two of them. (I've been told by Truett that I need to have a hearing test.
What gives with that?"
Mom's hearing aids were turned up to a volume compatible with Truett's, so I am hoping our TV dilemma is solved; plus, I have a hearing test scheduled for me in the near future.
Since Truett spent the day home alone, I called him and said, "I'm leaving High Springs. Be ready and we'll check the mail together and I will take you for a ride." Truett was very appreciative; so for another hour at the end of a long day, I drove Truett to some of our favorite places: Rum Island and the local Santa Fe River.
It doesn't matter that I was exhausted from a day spent at Gainesville.
The only thing that matters is to have this monkey in the middle make two special people feel loved and comfortable.
P.S. I will NOT wear a hearing aid.