Yes, it IS beginning to look a bit like Christmas around our house; but that is only because I paid someone to put up our two Christmas trees!
Today I took Truett to an ENT to clean out the wax in his ears. Last week I took him to the audiologist; but she found nothing wrong with his hearing aids . . . just this huge build up of wax in his only good right ear. Well, the left ear too; but that one doesn't count since he has no hearing left in the left ear because of his surgery last January 29, 2011!
"Come on, Roger! Give these folks a smile . . . you silly cat!"
Today this really nice tall, stoic giant of a male nurse at the ENT's office took Truett's vitals. His weight. His height. His medications all downloaded on EPIC (UF's medical database).
"So," the male nurse said, " You are here to have ear wax removed. . . and to get a new hearing test."
What does my husband say, "Yes. And I have a sore butt!"
"Truett!", I shouted. "They don't deal with that here!"
And I heard a chuckle emanating from the male nurse. The nurse had somewhat of a sense of humor and said, "We don't deal with butts here! Only ears!"
And Truett's response: "Well, that's good because I can't hear out of my butt!"
Nevertheless, the good ENT doctor couldn't break up all the wax in Truett's good right ear and instead prescribed an ear drop for Truett to use for one week. Five drops a day!
Tonight, as we were watching the Florida Gators playing basketball, I heard "Squish! Squish!"
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Putting my ear drops in," Truett answered.
Then I went ballistic! "You've already put your ear drops in! You just squirted Nasal Spray into your ear!"
This year can't get over fast enough!
2011 YOU SUCK!