Life is such a comedy of errors.
Yesterday one of Advent Glass Works, Inc.'s employees and Truett and I rode over to the oldest historic Lutheran Church in Florida, near Ellisville, Florida.
AGW has been restoring the Church's stained glass windows, and we were finally signing off on the job.
Truett was excited to be out and about and feeling somewhat normal.
In fact, in Truett's exuberance, once the car was stopped, Truett grabbed his file folder, opened the car door, planted his feet on the ground and took off walking!
Well, guess what You Know Who was doing in the back seat of the Acadia while her husband was leaving the car.
Checking Facebook!
I looked up and screamed, "NOOOOO! YOU CAN'T WALK!"
But, in actuality, Truett took four steps, wove around like a drunk, and then fell flat on the ground on his right shoulder! (He likes to say he learned to fall because of football and boxing),
Truett didn't hit his head . . . I don't think, because there are no severe headaches or throwing up.
Do you think my lecture to Truett later meant anything?
"I forgot I could not walk," Truett told me.
Luckily, all involved put Truett back in his wheelchair and he finished the assessment of a finished stained glass job.
Luckily, nothing seems to be broken or bleeding.