For months Mom and I have watched this squirrel, Tippy, bounding across the driveway, up the trees, onto the fence in front of our house. We first noticed Tippy when he was just a baby squirrel. Tippy stood out from all the rest of the squirrels because of his tail. One day Mama said, "Let's name that squirrel Tippy. So we did. We worry about Tippy because of Molly, our yard cat. (Once again, "Thanks, Sherry! Now I don't only worry about the birds. I worry that Molly will pounce on Tippy). It's fun, though, to be sitting on the front porch and hear my mama screech, "Oh! There's Tippy!" It doesn't take much to make us happy around here!
I didn't know about Tippy. Now I'll have to be on the lookout for him next time I'm out there!
Posted by: merry jennifer | January 10, 2012 at 03:59 PM
I think Tippy is cute. I hope he stays safe from Molly. I have watched our cats chase squirrels and the squirrels always get away. They are much faster.
Posted by: tina | January 10, 2012 at 05:09 PM