Today Oliver celebrated his sixth birthday. What a cutie he is wearing his new glasses.
Truett and I arrived about thirty minutes early so I was able to chat with my grandchildren before chaos began.
When we first arrived at Merry Jennifer and Sam's home, we found our grandchildren in the Bounce House.
I found out how special friends can be at an early age.
Granddaddys are special at a birthday party.
Even though some granddaddys may get bored.
Hungry Hippos was a popular game at Oliver's sixth birthday party.
Even though I heard some whining and, "You're cheating!" Then I said, "Boys, just show me the action!" And they did.
You know. When I was a kid, the parents dropped the children off and came back three hours later to pick the children up. Not so today. The parents stay, but I think that's a good thing. Parents are relating today on many different levels. Mostly, the dads relate to the food..and probably football.
And the Moms relate as well. They discuss school and Mom issues.
"Magic Mike", the magician...not the stripper, entertained the children at Oliver's birthday party. I gasped. I said, "Wow!" I was enthralled. Magic Mike is about to cut Oliver's finger off in this photo; but, of course Magic Mike is magic and Oliver has his finger in tact at the end.
The children were enthralled. The adults were enthralled. And it was a great birthday party for Oliver's sixth birthday party!