Yesterday, was very special to me.
All summer long, I would drive Truett to Paynes Prairie, hoping to take a photograph; only to be bombarded by heavy downpours of rain.
I'll be honest with you. I dreaded the wheelchair push up the ramp to the dock; but I was willing to do anything to photograph the prairie.
Often I tried to take photographs with spitting rain pelting my face while Truett sat in the car.
The difference about yesterday's visit to the prairie was the presence of Clay, my son.
I know it sounds like a little thing to have my son unload the wheelchair, put Truett in it, and then push Truett up a ramp so his dad can view Paynes Prairie and feel the breeze blowing through his hair.
But, to me. . . yes, me. It meant the world to have a burden lifted for a day. It wasn't a great big burden... just a small one where I could photograph forty pictures without worrying about pushing Truett or lifting that god awful wheelchair back into the Acadia.
I'm loving having Clay home to help out; and he is doing it willingly. Today he said, "Mom, Dad's calling your name. Can I go see what he wants?" And then, my heart melted.
I love Paynes Prarie..Looks like I need to go soon, everything is so pretty!
Posted by: Joni Dixopn | November 13, 2012 at 03:17 AM