Every day, as a caregiver to Truett, I have to get him out of his green recliner and into the real world. A world of fresh air, birds and water. Too often, I spend my time taking him to doctors' appointments or rehab; but when we have slow weeks, I get him out in nature.
This week I drove him to the South end of the Ichetucknee River. I usually cannot do this by myself because inclines are too steep; but luckily, Clay was willing to help me out.
We have so many fond memories of floating on the Ichetucknee River in black innertubes. So many memories of swimming with the fish and snorkeling. I noticed Truett wrote on a piece of paper last night at his town council meeting, "No fun. No joy. But that's okay."
When I saw that scribbled note this morning, I realized that I must provide joy or fun; and if I can't, I can certainly take him places that brought him joy or fun. Places that brought us joy and fun.
Daily, I take Truett out to lunch. That's not joy or fun. But, it's out.
If it were not for Clay's help, I couldn't take Truett to certain state parks. For instance, the headsprings of Ichetucknee being number one. Our favorite swimming hole from the day we moved to Fort White. There are no paved paths for wheelchairs there; and that's too bad. I say the headsprings is NOT Handicapped accessible. We have to pull Truett backwards in the sand in order for Truett to peer over the steep steps at the springs he so dearly loved and taught our children to swim in.
Thanks, Clay, for helping to get your dad up steep inclines. I think he enjoyed the day.