I was speaking to my twin recently and she mentioned the word Buddhism. I told her I was a Buddhist once. "Really? I didn't know that," Sherry said. "Tell me about it. Better yet, put it in a blog. No. Tell me about it." Then I told her I would put it in a blog.
It all started back in the late 60's before I met Truett. I was divorced from my first husband and I rented a playhouse which was bigger that many houses here in Fort White. I drove an old car and worked at a bank during the summers, down in the dungeon . . . counting filthy money by hand. I didn't have much of a social life; but, one day a co-worker asked me to join her at her Buddhist meeting. So I went. At the meeting, I witnessed one young wheel-chair bound man rise and walk ten steps after chanting, of course. I was quite impressed. I witnessed an elderly woman speak for the first time after being mute.
Being raised a Methodist, I was quite impressed and began to believe that Buddhism was for me. I attended several weekly meetings at this family's home and paid them $20.00 each time to place at the altar. I was given a mantra and felt all was well in the world
By now the school year had begun and I was teaching. Every morning I awoke at 4:30 A.M. and chanted . . . and chanted . . . and chanted. Do you know what I chanted for? You guessed it . . . $$$! Well, the chanting worked. One early morning as I was reading the newspaper before getting ready for school, I saw a half-page ad in the Louisville Courier Journal. SELL AVON! and I knew my chanting and my prayers were answered.
So where is all of this leading? I became an Avon representative. I earned $57 more a month and I had too many Avon customers. I was wearing myself out. But, that's still not the point. I decided to have a male Avon party. (Boy, was that gutsy of me. I wouldn't do it in today's time on my life). But, back then, in the late '60's I made a killing off of that one male party; and I met one terrific man, who ultimately introduced me to Truett George, Jr.
Voila! So you never ever really know until a circle is completed.