Even though this story is fictional and even though the characters are not human, it is a story based on fact.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful seagull.
She was young and taught younger seagulls in the seagull colony. Her students were attentive and mostly well-behaved, except for a few which exhibited mobbing behaviour, attacking and harassing other seagull students. Bullying is the word used today.
But one day this seagull teacher had a problem. Her unhinging jaws would not open all the way. She had lockjaw.
So the teacher seagull flew off to the nearest doctor.
Dr. Heron seemed like a nice doctor right off the bat. That is, until he opened his mouth and vile words spewed out. "All you teacher gulls deserve to have lockjaw," he said.
"All you teacher gulls squawk and squawk at your students all day long. Yes, teachers deserve lockjaw!"
Needless to say, the seagull teacher changed doctors and. . .
went back to seagull schooolto teach.
The end.