Hey, Truett. I was missing you today. Mitchell from Brooker Pest Control came over and sprayed the house and you know how he likes to talk. He asked how I was doing and I said, "I'm doing fine. I'm making it." He then proceeded to tell me how much he enjoyed talking to you in the studio and that he was glad he was on our route for pest control. He is a talker; but then, so were you. My question is, "Why weren't you working?"
It's been five months and one day since I lost you, Truett. Tell me about Heaven. Send me a sign in the form of a bird, a rainbow, or in the clouds. . . . or just surprise me. I'll know.
Things here are pretty normal. The same old, same old. I am in a routine of treating myself to lunch and I find I watch older men with graying hair just like yours in restaurants. What I really want to do is tell the wives to tell their husbands they love them everyday and not to take anything for granted.
Football season is coming up. Thank goodness I don't have to sweat in that heat anymore. I know how you loved your Gators.
Truett, do you remember the day I took this photo at the 27 bridge. It was winter I think and the shadows were long. Silly man. I miss you!
Anyway, you were on my mind today. I loved you then and always will.