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December 13, 2014


Deb Castle

Thanks for being so perfectly imperfect. I love how you are able to share what you have learned about yourself. I learn about myself through you.

Amber | Bluebonnets & Brownies

Merry, you don't know me, but I'm a friend of Merry Jennifer's. Your blog post could have been written by my grandmother ten years ago. We watched our vibrant Nanny fade away - she could not pull herself out of the loss of my grandfather, who had been her husband since she was 18 years old. She was 70 when he died. I like to think I understand why she couldn't do it - a love like that doesn't come around often.

But I have to tell you, your own words of conviction have filled me with joy. I am happy to see you choosing yourself, choosing your mom and your grandkids and Merry Jennifer. I don't claim to know anything about what Truett would have wanted for you, having not known him. But having met Merry Jennifer several times, and knowing what a lovely human she is, I like to think that I can be sure he'd want you to feel joy. And eck out as much love and life as you can until you join him again.

I will be thinking of you often, and wishing you all the happiness you can handle - and then some.

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